Summer is hot, we get it, and sitting in our chairs all day will result in some pretty sweaty thighs and bottoms, unless of course you have the luxury of sitting in an air-conditioned room all day. For those who are not so fortunate, Thanko has the solution for you in the form of the “AC Ass Cushion”, or better known as the USB Seat Cooler. It fits on top of your chair and will feature a USB plug, which you can plug it into your computer, keeping your bottom, and the base of of your thighs cool. The power from your computer will power the mini fans built into the cushion, much like how laptop base coolers work, and the wind will be pushed through the mini holes found on the cushion.
Alternatively you can take the cushion and bring it along with you in the car, where thanks to what Thanko refers to a “USB Vehicle Charging Adapter” which plugs into your vehicle’s cigarette lighter, you can keep your bottom cool during a hot drive home. A pretty novel idea, we’ll have to admit, although we’re not sure how durable it actually is. Doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience should you sit on this and break one of the fans, does it?
Cool Your Bottom This Summer With The USB Seat Cooler, By Ubergizmo.